This method adds one or more branch conditions to an existing mverse object. Branch conditions are used to specify an option in one branch dependent on an option in another branch.

add_branch_condition(.mverse, ...)

# S3 method for mverse
add_branch_condition(.mverse, ...)



a mverse object.


branch conditions.


a mverse object.

See also

Other branch condition functions: branch_condition()


# Define branches and add them to an \code{mverse} object.
y <- mutate_branch(alldeaths, log(alldeaths + 1))
distribution <- family_branch(poisson, gaussian)
# You can match branching options by providing the options
# the way provide them when defining branches.
match_poisson <- branch_condition(alldeaths, poisson)
mv <- mverse(hurricane) %>%
  add_mutate_branch(y) %>%
  add_family_branch(distribution) %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   universe distribution_branch y_branch distribution_branch_code y_branch_code  
#>   <fct>    <fct>               <fct>    <fct>                    <fct>          
#> 1 1        distribution_1      y_1      poisson                  alldeaths      
#> 2 2        distribution_1      y_2      poisson                  log(alldeaths …
#> 3 3        distribution_2      y_2      gaussian                 log(alldeaths …
# You can also condition to reject a pair of options by
# setting reject = TRUE.
match_log_lin <- branch_condition(log(alldeaths + 1), poisson, reject = TRUE)
mv <- add_branch_condition(mv, match_log_lin)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   universe distribution_branch y_branch distribution_branch_code y_branch_code  
#>   <fct>    <fct>               <fct>    <fct>                    <fct>          
#> 1 1        distribution_1      y_1      poisson                  alldeaths      
#> 2 2        distribution_2      y_2      gaussian                 log(alldeaths …