A dataset containing card counts between 2,053 soccer players playing in the first male divisions of England, Germany, France, and Spain in the 2012-2013 season and 3,147 referees that these players played under in professional matches. The dataset contains other covariates including 2 independent skin tone ratings per player. Each line represents a player-referee pair.
A data frame with 146,028 rows and 26 variables:
short player ID
player name
player club
country of player club ( England, Germany, France, and Spain)
player birthday
player height (in cm)
player weight (in kg)
detailed player position
number of games in the player-referee dyad
victories in the player-referee dyad
ties in the player-referee dyad
losses in the player-referee dyad
goals scored by a player in the player-referee dyad
number of yellow cards player received from referee
number of yellow-red cards player received from referee
number of red cards player received from referee
skin rating of photo by rater 1 (5-point scale ranging from “very light skin” to “very dark skin”)
skin rating of photo by rater 2 (5-point scale ranging from “very light skin” to “very dark skin”)
unique referee ID number (referee name removed for anonymizing purposes)
unique referee country ID number (country name removed for anonymizing purposes)
mean implicit bias score (using the race IAT) for referee country, higher values correspond to faster white | good, black | bad associations
sample size for race IAT in that particular country
standard error for mean estimate of race IAT
mean explicit bias score (using a racial thermometer task) for referee country, higher values correspond to greater feelings of warmth toward whites versus blacks
sample size for explicit bias in that particular country
standard error for mean estimate of explicit bias measure
Silberzahn, R., Uhlmann, E. L., Martin, D. P., Anselmi, P., Aust, F., Awtrey, E. C., … Nosek, B. A. (2018, August 24). Many analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results. Retrieved from https://osf.io/gvm2z/
The skin colour of each player was rated by two independent raters, rater1 and rater2, and the 5-point scale values were scaled to 0 to 1 - i.e., 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.