A multiverse tree diagram displays the branching combination of all the branches added to the given mverse object taking any branch conditions defined. The method also allows zooming into a subset of branches using branches parameter.

  label = "none",
  branches = NULL,
  label_size = NULL,
  label_angle = 0



A mverse object.


Display the branch option name when "name" or the definition when "code". No label is displayed when "none" (default).


A character vector. Display a subset of branches when specified. Display all when NULL.


A numeric. Set size of option labels.


A numeric. Rotate option labels.


A ggplot object displaying the multiverse tree.


# Display a multiverse tree with multiple branches.
outliers <- filter_branch(!Name %in% c("Katrina", "Audrey"), TRUE)
femininity <- mutate_branch(MasFem, Gender_MF)
strength <- mutate_branch(
  NDAM, HighestWindSpeed, Minpressure_Updated_2014, log(NDAM)
y <- mutate_branch(alldeaths, log(alldeaths + 1))
model <- formula_branch(y ~ femininity * strength, y ~ femininity + strength)
distribution <- family_branch(poisson, gaussian)
mv <- mverse(hurricane) %>%
  add_filter_branch(outliers) %>%
  add_mutate_branch(femininity, strength, y) %>%
  add_formula_branch(model) %>%
# Display a multiverse tree with branch conditions.
match_poisson <- branch_condition(alldeaths, poisson)
match_log_lin <- branch_condition(log(alldeaths + 1), gaussian)
add_branch_condition(mv, match_poisson)
add_branch_condition(mv, match_log_lin)
# You can adjust colour scale of the edges
# using a ggraph::scale_edge_colour*() function.
multiverse_tree(mv) + ggraph::scale_edge_colour_viridis(
  discrete = TRUE,
  labels = c("Distribution", "Model", "Strength",
             "Femininity", "Outliers", "y")
# Display a multiverse tree for a subset of branches
# with name label for each option.
multiverse_tree(mv, branches = c("y", "distribution"), label = "name")
# with code label for each option.
multiverse_tree(mv, branches = c("y", "distribution"), label = "code")
# adjusting size and orientation of the labels
multiverse_tree(mv, branches = c("y", "distribution"),
  label = "name", label_size = 4, label_angle = 45)